3+ Fixes For The Fix Error Code 907 In The Google Play Store

In this post, we’ll provide several fixes for the Error Code 907 that occurs with the Google Play Store.

Part of what makes smartphones such a great tool for the average 21st-century person is the fact that you can do practically anything with them.

From playing candy destroying games to updating your friends on your current meal and even getting directions to a tech repair store after you throw your phone across the room because of said candy destroying game, smartphones make the world a little bit easier to navigate and share experiences.

Of course, connecting with people using the phone’s main function- as an actual telephone- is a plus as well, and if you’re having issues with your contacts not being found, we have a troubleshooting article to help you get your contact list back in shape.

But with the magic of having games and videos at your fingertips comes with a price: having to install or update the app itself.

Typically, these events run smoothly and you’re able to enjoy your app in mere moments, but sometimes downloading an app isn’t as easy and magical experience as using it is. For Android users downloading or updating from the Google Play store, an especially pesky error can occur seemingly out of nowhere: Error 907.

What is it? What causes it? How do you fix it in time to beat your friend’s candy destroying record? Fear not, and read on, because we’ve got the answers you’re looking for.

Are you experiencing another Google Play Store error? Check out this list of error codes and how to solve them.

Quick Video Fix

A tech vlogger posted a popular fix on YouTube:

They explain that they were getting the following error message while trying to update their WhatsApp in the Google Play store:

“Can’t download app. Whatsapp Messenger” can’t be downloaded. Try again, and if the problem continues, get help troubleshooting. (Error code:907).”

The vlogger says that this error is common with Android, tablets, and  Android versions Kitkat, Lollipop, Marshmallow.

As well, this error occurs on Samsung, Sony, HTC and Lenovo devices.

So What Does “Error 907” Even Mean?

Simply put: it’s a bug in the Google Play Store. “Error 907” can occur when you don’t have enough memory on your phone to download those precious, precious tools, when the most recently updated version of Google Play doesn’t jive with your phone, or it could be due to your phone’s cache files mysteriously conflicting with Google Play.

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All in all, “Error 907” is a catchall term for when Google Play experiences an issue with altering or adding an app to your device and going, “Hmm, well I can’t do this now!” This error code seems to have no rhyme or reason simply because there are multiple ways to attempt to fix the problem.

Are you experiencing Error Code 0x80004005” on your Windows 7 or 10 computer and can’t find a way to get around it? There could be multiple reasons behind the error- but don’t worry, we’ve got an article for that, too.

Great, My App Store Hates Me. How Do I Make It Like Me Again?

As mentioned above, there are a few reasons for the “Error 907” code to be presented to you, and because of this, there are multiple ways to attempt to fix the problem.

1st Fix: Clear Google Play’s Cache

Sometimes there’s data that Google Play Store is holding onto that can conflict with an app you’re trying to download or update. A cache is a place where an application or computer can store certain information in order to navigate to specific destinations faster- and though this is a good thing, it can sometimes interfere with your plans.

According to WikiTechSolutions, clearing Google Play Store’s cache is an easy way to potentially fix the error code. Simply navigate to your application manager from your Android device’s “settings” menu, select “loaded”, find Google Play Store in the list of apps, and select to clear the cache. The rest is done by your device!

Now, try to download or update that app again. If it worked, congratulations! If not, move on to the next step.


The More Storage, The Better

As a general rule, having at least 2.5 times the space needed for an application is key when downloading or installing an update, as mentioned by a member of AndroidCentral’s forum. More storage than what your actual app will take up is needed because of the installation process that Android uses- it leaves room for the tools to come in, do their thing and install/update your app, and then leave.

So be sure you have enough space for your new app or the update you’re trying to install. Finding out if you have enough room is as simple as navigating back to your “settings” screen, selecting “storage”, letting the page load, and then calculating the amount of space available against how much space your app needs multiplied by 1.5.

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2nd Fix: Try Changing The App’s Storage Location

Sometimes the issue isn’t with how much storage you have on your device, but rather where the app is being stored: either on your phone or on your SD card. Specifically, if you’re keeping your app on your SD card for storage reasons, updates can sometimes get a bit wonky. Luckily, there’s a simple way to fix the problem!

Back on your device’s “settings” page, select “apps” and scroll down the app that’s causing you trouble. Select said app and choose the “move to phone” option for storage. Once your device has done its thing, go back to the Google Play Store and try updating the app again. After the update, you can simply move your app back onto your SD card. Be aware, though, that you might have to repeat this process for every update if your app’s storage location is to blame for you update struggles.

Having an issue with updating Windows 7 or 10 and getting an “access denied” error code? Simply click here for a detailed, step-by-step article on how to solve the your problem…and a few jokes thrown in by yours truly.


3rd Fix: When All Else Fails, Go Back In Time…To An Earlier Update

…For Google Play Store, that is. Though developers try to keep devices and their apps perfectly compatible with each other, sometimes our devices are just a little too behind the times. This can cause issues with how your device responds to current Google Play Store updates, and then you can be presented with an “Error 907” code.

Once again, navigate to the Google Play Store app through your device’s settings. Once there, select “uninstall updates”, and your device should turn back time and run Google Play Store on the previous updated version. If this works, that’s great! But keep in mind that you may need to uninstall the updates frequently until the issue is fixed, because your device will automatically update Google Play Store to the latest version when it notices it’s running an earlier version.


Still having issues with your Google Play Store not installing or updating? No worries, below we’ve got a few last-ditch efforts you can take to attempt to get that app right where you want it. Regardless of the outcome, give yourself a pat on the back for learning new tips and tricks that could potentially help you in the future!

Also Read:  6 Fixes For “There Was An Error Connecting To The Apple ID Server” Error

Pro Tips Galore:

  1. The ole’ “off and on again” tip is possibly one of the best pieces of advice anyone could ever receive. Sometimes a device is just having a bad day- and instead of sleeping it off, it needs to be turned off and back on again. This is the simplest and quickest way to attempt to solve your “Error 907” problem, and any problem you may have in the future.
  2. If only one specific app isn’t wanting to install or update on your device, check out the reviews left on its page in the Google Play Store. It’s more than likely you aren’t the only one experiencing issues with the app, and you can sometimes find very good advice from others on the app’s page. It could be something on the app developer’s end, or it could be a compatibility issue with your specific device. Either way, there will more than likely be reviews talking about the issue and how others have solved the problem.
  3. If all else fails, and you’ve just gotta have that app on your device…contact the app’s developers by email and explain your problem to them. They might not have had a bug report sent to them regarding the “Error 907” issue, or they just might not look over their Google Play Store reviews. Either way, it’s a good idea to get the developer in on the issue when you’ve tried everything to fix your device and the app still isn’t installing or updating. They’ll be glad to know there’s a problem, too; after all, they make the apps for you to enjoy them, not be frustrated by them!


If these steps have helped you finally get that pesky app to install or update, congratulations! Enjoy that satisfying game of candy destruction you’ve worked so hard for. Be sure to have a look at my other articles if you’re struggling with an error code outside of the Google Play Store, too. I promise they’ll be just as informative and entertaining to follow along and you’ll be sweeping away those error codes in no time.

Do you have an error code that hasn’t been covered here, or is for a device that doesn’t require Google Play Store? Be sure to click the search bar in the top right of the page and type in whatever error it is you’re experiencing- we could have the answers you’re looking for!

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