Fix ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED in Chrome in 3 Easy Steps

Google Chrome is a hugely popular Internet web browser for both Windows and Mac users. Windows users, however, can come across the following error: ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED that prevents them from accessing the Internet.

If you have encountered this error or are worried that you might, you must know that there is always a way to fix this.

In fact, there are 3 easy steps to fix this issue and getting Google Chrome users back online in no time.

I think it is safe to say that the most frustrating thing that could happen to someone who needs to go online is to lose his or her connection. The only thing that could make this even worse is where there does not seem any apparent reason for it.

In that case, many people would panic but I am here to tell you that there is no real reason to do so. Because, as you will find out if you read this tutorial through, this error is actually extremely easy.

So, in this article, I will show you how to fix this error but before I do so let’s talk about this error in a bit more detail.


The first thing anyone encountering a computer error must do is make sure that they understand what the error is.

In this particular case, it is important for you to check that the error you have encountered (or the one you would like to find out more about) is indeed the same error that this article is about.

Although, as I pointed out in the introduction to this article this error happens on the Google Chrome Internet web browser, this same error has also been reported by Mozilla Firefox users.


You will recognize this error by the following error message:

“There is no Internet connection. Your computer is offline. Try”

  • Checking the network cable or router.
  • Resetting the modem or router.
  • Reconnecting to Wi-Fi.


If this is the error message that you have gotten, then you can be safe in the knowledge that you have come to the right place.

What follows is the result of extensive Internet research. I have done all this research to save you time and effort. The result is three extremely simple but also effective ways to fix this annoying error.

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Although it is up to you how you approach this tutorial, I would like to recommend certain guidelines for you. First of all, I think it would be a good idea for most readers to read the whole tutorial through (even if they just skim through it) before the follow any of the steps involved in fixing this error.

Reading the whole tutorial through is advisable because it is the best way to know whether you understand everything that is involved in every single one of the steps. Having said that, this is just a recommendation because all the steps are so simple that everyone – no matter what his or her computer savvies or expertise – should be able to fix the error, as long as they follow this tutorial to the letter.

But this is not the only good news I have for you. I can also tell you now that it is unlikely that you would have to follow all the steps in this tutorial. Again, I strongly suggest that you follow the steps in the order in which they are presented here (whether you have read through the whole thing beforehand or not). You should find that at some point you the problem is fixed. As soon as stumble upon the step that does the trick for you and finally gets rid of the error, you should stop reading the tutorial and enjoy having Internet access on Google Chrome once more.

Now that I have given you all the necessary guidelines to make the most of this error fix tutorial, I am in a position now to go over the three simple steps to fix it. Here they are!

First Easy Step: 

The first easy thing that you will need to do when encountering this error is to check out your Internet connection.

Centerville Ohio Internet Connection

Because this is a computer error, you should try a different Internet-able device. The idea is that you should grab a different device and try to connect to the same Internet network.


So grab a tablet or smart phone and see if you can get on the Internet. If you still cannot, this means that the problem is with the Internet connection itself and not with your computer.

“You’re going to have 100s of millions of users on Chrome, spanning mobile, tablets, and desktops. That is one unfragmented base. That uniformity is probably better than most of the issues across browsers.” – Sundar Pichai

In that case, you check your router and all cables in order to establish whether they are connected correctly. Sometimes, cables become either loose or disconnected over time. If all the cables seem to be connected the way they should, then you should check that the Internet light on your router is on or off. If it is off, then you should contact your Internet provider immediately to report the fault.

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If, however, you are able to access the Internet using your smart phone or tablet but are still unable to do so on your computer using Google Chrome, then you should move on to the second easy step.

Second Easy Step: 

Once you have ruled out any problems with your Internet connection following the first easy step, then you should clear the browsing cookies and cached files.


This is a lot simpler than it may sound but if you do not know how to do so or are not sure, here is how you would go about it:

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Launch the Google Chrome Internet web browser.
  3. Click on the menu icon, which is located in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  4. Then, choose the More Tools option and next click on the Clear browsing data
  5. Once the Clear browsing data pane displays on your screen, you should check the following two options: Cookies and other site and plug-in data and Cached images and files.
  6. Next choose the following option from the drop down list: the beginning of time.
  7. Finally, click on the following option: Clear browsing data.

Once you have done all that, you should try using Google Chrome again. Sometimes, clearing the cached files and browsing cookies can get you back online. Although this is not always the case, some users stop being able to access the Internet using Google Chrome simply because the cached files and browsing cookies get in their way.

It is always a good idea to clear those cookies and files regularly as they can cause all kinds of trouble in the long term including, of course, not letting you access the Internet.

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If this second step does not do the trick for you and the error persists even after you have cleared all your browsing data, then you should go on to the third and final easy step to fix this issue.

Third Easy Step:

If you have reached this final step, this means that you have not been able to fix the error yet. Once you have ruled out any potential problems with your Internet connection and you have already cleared all your browsing data, then the only thing left to do is to update your network adapter driver.

But before I tell you more about it, let me make clear that this should be your last resort and you should only try to do this once you have ruled out all the other potential issues that I have addressed so far in this tutorial.

Having said all that, if you decide to go ahead with this final step you should use a third-party driver download tool. There are many of them available for free (or, at least with a free trial) online.

I will not recommend any of them online. If you do not already use one, you could simply search for one on Google or Bing (or any other search engine of your choice). Once you have found one you like, download it and install it.

Then, get it to scan your network driver and fix any problem it runs up against.

If nothing else has worked for you, this final step should fix the error once and for all for you.

So, this has been Fix ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED in Chrome in 3 Easy Steps. If you have any feedback on this article or have any experience in dealing with this error and would like to share it with our readers, please consider leaving us a message in the comments section below.

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