Hootsuite as a Social Media Manager on iPhone, Is It the Best?

Hootsuite as a Social Media Manager on iPhone, Is It the Best?. To this day, surely you live with a multitude of social networks in your day to day, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and it may even be in any of these you have more than one account. Well, today I want to talk to you about an application in which you can bring together all your social networks to organize yourself and save time when using them. That application is Hootsuite, the best application to manage your social networks from your iPhone.

Hootsuite as a Social Media Manager

What is Hootsuite?

As I mentioned earlier, Hootsuite was born from the need to be able to manage different social networks, or even different accounts of the same social network, from a single application, in order to save time for those users who dedicate themselves, almost, or without it. almost, professionally to the world of social networks and communication through them.

Hootsuite para iPhone

In addition to being a meeting place for all your social media accounts, you can also interact with them, that is, respond to different mentions in different Twitter accounts and above all, and what for me gives more value to this app, is the ability to schedule tweets for the day and time you want.

Without a doubt, Hootsuite is an application that if you like the world of social networks you have to try, even more so if you dedicate yourself to communication through these or if you are a content creator. But hey, keep reading that I am going to tell you everything you can do with this application and, of course, the advantages that this will bring you.

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How this application can help you

For the moment we will focus on the advantages that Hootsuite can bring you in its free version, because, later I will tell you what you can access if you decide to jump to the premium version, although I will tell you in advance, that most users you will have more than enough with the free version.

Work with up to 3 different accounts

The free version of Hootsuite allows you to work with up to 3 different accounts from the following social networks:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

It is one of the limitations of the free version, but I think 3 accounts will be more than enough for most users. In addition, if you are a professional in the sector, it will also allow you to try this application with enough options to decide whether or not it is worth the jump to the paid version.

Schedule posts

As I was saying, this is the function that I personally highlight the most in this application since it is the one that is most useful to me in my day to day life. It is about being able to schedule publications on your different social networks, especially on Twitter since on Instagram it is somewhat more complicated and you have to meet certain requirements to be able to do so, I will explain later.

The fact of being able to schedule tweets at certain times and with certain content is very useful in order to establish synergies between different publications on different social networks, for example, if you are scheduled to publish a video on your channel at 3 in the afternoon from YouTube, you can also schedule through Hootsuite that a tweet with the link to the video is published at that same time, so that everyone knows that they can now enjoy that new video on your channel. This is just one example of how much this app can do for you.

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Control Panel

Something very positive is also the fact of being able to control the content of your different social networks from the same application. With Hootsuite you will be able to see your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook publications, even the videos that you have uploaded to YouTube with their comments and the exact number of views.

With this functionality you can avoid having to enter each of your different social networks to take a look at the content that you have uploaded in each one of them or to check the interaction that people are having with your publications.

Hootsuite en el iPhone

Hootsuite and Instagram

It was honestly one of the disappointments I got when, for the first time, I used Hootsuite trying to schedule posts on my Instagram account. The truth is that you can do it, but you have to meet certain requirements.

To be able to schedule Instagram posts with Hootsuite you need your Instagram account to be a company profile, a business profile and also, when synchronizing your Instagram account with the application you will also have to log in to your company page on Facebook.

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This requirement means that many users cannot use Hootsuite to schedule posts on their Instagram profile, however, you will have the opportunity to have Hootsuite send you a notification reminding you that you have to publish a new post on Instagram on the day and at the time that you have configured.

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Who is this application for?

Creadores de contenido

Content creators

The example that I mentioned before is just one of how much it can make life easier for content creators who are present on different social networks and who seek to generate interaction with their content on all of them.

Community Manager

If for content creators this application can be really useful, for Community Managers even more, in fact, this sector is the target audience of the paid version of Hootsuite since it really facilitates the work of these professionals by providing many advantages. that will greatly reduce the time you spend entering and exiting different apps to publish different content.

What does the paid version provide?

Hootsuite de pago

Hootsuite, as I have already told you, is a free application but it has certain premium functions for which you will have to pay if you want to use them. Among these is the possibility of managing up to 10 different social media profiles, being able to schedule unlimited messages, analyze the interaction of your followers in real time or integrate unlimited update notifications, all this among other functions that, if you are a professional in the communication in social networks and marketing, you have to know why they will be really useful in your daily work.

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