During the last quarter of 2023, Apple‘s sales rose 22, making it the world’s largest seller. It is not something that is too surprising since the last months of the year are always key for those of Cupertino, as it is when they launch their new phones. In the case of 2023, a greater number of models and a new look for the iPhone 12 line, the first devices compatible with Apple’s 5G networks, have helped to increase the company’s sales, especially in China.

iPhone Sales Hit Record Levels Last Quarter

According to IDC data, a total of 90.1 million phones have been shipped, the record for Cupertino’s for any quarter, leaving it with a 23.4 percent global market share. If compared to the same quarter of 2019, we are talking about almost 20 million more units.

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What about the rest of the brands?

Samsung usually ranks first in phone sales throughout the year except for the fourth quarter and this time the situation is repeated. The South Korean firm saw a 6.2 percent year-on-year increase by placing 73.9 million devices, giving it a 19.1 percent market share.

Xiaomi , China’s third-largest seller, saw its shipments skyrocket 32 percent, putting 43.3 million devices on the market as OPPO climbed to fourth with a 10.7 percent year-on-year rise, according to IDC.

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On the other side of the scale, Huawei.

Bad news for Huawei

chica con la regla y logo de Huawei

Huawei , unsurprisingly, suffered the biggest decline in sales of any manufacturer. If Appse has obtained a record in units sold, Huawei reaches the negative record of drop in shipments. In one year the brand has lost 42.4 percent, managing to place 32.3 million units, a figure quite different from the 56 million phones sold in the same quarter of 2022.

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It was inevitable that the US sanctions would imply a sharp decline in sales of a brand that is even rumored to be able to sell its high-end lines to save them “from burning.” According to IDC, Huawei now ranks fifth compared to second only two quarters earlier.

Hard times for the brand.