New Android TV Update: the Google TV Interface Arrives

New Android TV Update: the Google TV Interface

The televisions with Android TV will gradually look more like the proposal of the new Chromecast with Google TV. The company launches an update where the user interface improves significantly and looks more current and attractive.

Android TV looks a bit more like Google TV

Chromecast Google TV 3

We were all clear that sooner or later this move by Google would come. The company has begun to revamp the Android TV user interface to make it much more similar to that of Google TV, the operating system that governs the new Chromecasts that should be the future and the only system of the company for smart TVs and set top. box.

With this new update the bases of Android TV do not change at all. That is, the operating system continues to behave the same in terms of functionality and application support. The change is purely aesthetic, although it must also be said that it is a change of those that are appreciated because although the user interface was not bad at all, to this day it did feel a bit outdated seeing other proposals such as its own from Google and your Google TV.

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Nueva actualización de la interfaz de Android TV

In this new version of Android TV the screen is no longer divided into sections that we can “navigate” by scrolling vertically and then scrolling horizontally. Now we will have three main sections (Home, Discover and Apps) and a layout designed to show the icons in a much more attractive way as cards.

Nueva pestana Discover Android TV

About the sections, nothing that is not intuited. In Home would be the applications that we use the most as well as access to those recurring services in our day to day. The Discover section would be worth to discover that recommended content according to our tastes or what is trend. And finally, in the Apps section would be all the applications that we have installed so far (games, streaming services, utilities, etc.)

When will the new Android TV be available

This new Android TV update is now available to all users with Google’s smart system for televisions and set top boxes, but not globally. That is, at the moment only users from the US, Canada, Germany, France and Australia can access it.

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However, according to Google, in a matter of a few weeks the rest of the countries should begin to receive this update that renews the physical appearance of the system and modernizes it so that it has a much more current appearance and, most importantly, offers a better experience of user.

Android TV vs Google TV, which is better?

Nueva pestana Apps Android TV

You are probably wondering right now that if Google has two operating systems designed for use on smart TVs, set top boxes or its own Chromecast, which is better Android TV or Google TV?

Basically they are both the same operating system , they are built on the same foundation. The difference is in aspects such as the interface that are now reduced more and other small details, but you should not worry because both will offer you everything that is asked of them today.

However, it is logical to think that sooner or later there will be a merger between the two and everything will end up being Google TV. But meanwhile, enjoy the product you have and apply the updates that are being released, because you will improve the security that is always important and also details like this of the interface that are also appreciated.

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