The Reason Why Apple Doesn’t Specify RAM or Battery on iPhone

The Reason Why Apple Doesn’t Specify RAM or Battery on iPhone. When Apple presents a new iPhone, the big question for many users and even for those of us who type on it, is to know the RAM memory capacity of the device. Unlike their competition on Android, those from Cupertino do not offer clear information on the RAM capacity of their iPhone or the “milliamps of the battery”. Why is this happening?

It is a trend that is repeated every time we meet a new iPhone. How much RAM will have increased? How many milliamps does your battery have? It is information that allows you to complete the specification tables of many media, and that removes the most curious buyers from doubts. But in reality, it is information that Apple considers irrelevant to its users.

Why Apple Doesn't Specify RAM or Battery on iPhone

RAM and battery, the great mysteries in iPhone

The battle on Android takes place differently. The different manufacturers are immersed in struggling to show specification sheets that grow with each generation, sometimes without making much sense. We have already seen on our site how having four cameras does not have to be better , as one of the clearest examples that shows that more does not have to be synonymous with better results.

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Apple has made it clear on many occasions that it is not interested in keeping up with Android competitors such as Samsung, Huawei or Xiaomi, and the truth is that it would not make much sense either. Apple does not talk about RAM or battery, due to a communication strategy that prioritizes optimization over numbers . For this reason, Apple never talks about milliamps in the battery but about hours of use and increase in the times of charging capacity.

iphone 12 ficha en apple

The same happens with RAM, since we will find reference to performance increases, multitasking, process management and everything that sounds like a more fluid experience, but not to the number related to RAM, which for Apple is just one more detail of the hardware, which is considered not essential for the vast majority of users.

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It is known by all that an iPhone is conceived from scratch within its own ecosystem, where everything is made on demand in the pursuit of performance or energy efficiency. Android is a platform that is adopted by hundreds of different manufacturers, and where it is necessary to compensate for a lack of optimization with more powerful hardware, in addition to taking advantage of the rival on duty.

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bateria de un iphone

Prioritizing usability, over quantity

It makes sense that Apple does not want some technical specifications to be hidden, since compared to the performance sheet of another Android device, it could persuade some users, who only take into account the numbers, to think that a product is better than another for the mere fact of having more capacity in a certain field of hardware.

It does not appear that Apple is going to change this strategy in the short term. The way to find out these capacities is left aside from performance programs , which manage to reveal the real capacities of the RAM, battery or even the speed of the iPhone processor, which is another of the elements that Apple prefers not to reveal.

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